Barack Obama - AKA Harrison J. Bounel - Deadbeat

THE PLOT THICKENS with Barack Obama's known identity theft schemes: Debt Collector; Obama's Social Security number reserved for Connecticut applicants also tied to an alias Harrison J Bounel. The debt collector also claims Obama has used two other Social Security numbers in Illinois. This interview covers several issues ranging from O's SS# to his property tax filings in Chicago to 50+ different addresses tied to Obama and Michelle across the country. The interview aired on TruNews Radio 5/18/2011.
1) Someone used a fake property identification number to secure a $1.34 million Fannie May/ Freddie Mac "poverty" loan on Barack Obama's Illinois mansion.
2) Barack Obama's mansion moved through a trust company called Northern Trust, and has had six (6) different property identification numbers. All real estate is supposed to have only one (1) PIN. Someone was trying very hard to conceal the train of ownership of Obama's Illinois mansion.
3) The above mentioned property scheme is called "layered ownership." The Illinois law firm Obama worked for specialized in "layered ownership".
4) Evidently, Barack Obama, using the false identity "Harrison J. Bounel", secured a loan and then "skipped" - i.e., disappeared with the intention of never paying th

The information here has been cross-checked and verified by two independent professional private investigators.
Obama appoints his accountant who is also the individual who pays the taxes for the President on his supposed home in Chicago to a key post in his Administration.
President Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individual to a key Administration post:
Harvey S. Wineberg, Appointee for Member, President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability
Harvey S. Wineberg is the founding partner of Wineberg Solheim Howell & Shain, P.C., a Chicago based CPA firm offering a wide range of accounting and financial services to individuals and small businesses. Mr. Wineberg is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and has been designated by them as a Personal Financial Specialist and is a member of the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants. He is also a member of the Illinois Bar. For 30 years he served as a Director and member of the Audit Committee of the Mid-Town Bank of Chicago. He was also President of the Board of the Roger Baldwin Foundation of the Illinois ACLU, a member of the Columbus Hospital of Chicago Foundation Board, and served as the Treasurer of President Obama’s 2004 Senate campaign. In 1998, Mr. Wineberg authored a book about his life and his practice entitled “Thanks For Your Trust.” He served in the U.S. Navy as a Commissary and Fiscal Officer.
Q: Is it not illegal or unethical to appoint the individual who pays the taxes on the supposed Obama home in Chicago, the individual whose accounting firm handles the Obama’s taxes, and who is listed as a supposed owner of 5046 S Greenwood Ave., the Obama’s supposed home address to a key Administration post in the US Government?
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The Obama HustleThe Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama
Obama Caught Lying On His 2006 U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report
As reported by “The Obama Hustle” : http://theobamahustle.wordpress.com/2011/08/11/%e2%80%9cquestions-answered-for-the-obama-104500-00-%e2%80%9cbuffer-zone-a-gift-from-rita-rezko-to-the-trust/ and at World Net Daily article : Tax Fraud Suspected In Obama Land Deal it is now known that Barack H Obama has possibly committed real estate and tax fraud as it pertains to the house that he does not own in Chicago, located at 5046 S Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615.
The following graphic images will illustrate the point that the Obama’s own nothing. It has also been stated that the Obama’s own/started the trust that owns 5046 S Greenwood Ave and again the answer to that question is no. The Northern Trust Co., Trust # 10209 which is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT ) is the actual owner of 5046 S Greenwood Ave.
Fig 1. Source: The Cook County Recorder of Deeds
Role: Grantor Document Type: Any
Document No. Document Type Date Recorded PIN Grantor Grantee
0535335180 MORTGAGE 12/19/2005 20-11-115-034-0000 NORTHERN TRUST CO TR NORTHERN TRUST CO
0517233011 MORTGAGE 06/21/2005 20-11-115-034-0000 NORTHERN TRUST CO TR NORTHERN TRUST CO
The above image illustrates the actual owner of 5046 S Greenwood Ave. It needs to be noted that these are the transactions that created PIN # 20-11-115-037-0000 which in-turn absorbed the “buffer zone” illegally in 2007
The following graphic image illustrates the actual owner of the so-called Obama “buffer zone”.
Fig 2. Source: The Cook County Recorder of Deeds
Documents for PIN:20-11-115-035-0000
Document No. Document Type Date Recorded Grantor/Trust No. Grantee/Trust No. Prior Document
0604733162 DEED IN TRUST 02/16/2006 REZKO RITA M NORTHERN TRUST CO TR / 10209
The above image illustrates the actual owner of the so-called Obama “buffer zone” and it is not the Obama’s as stated by Barack H Obama in 2008 when he was question about the ownership and transfer of the property in a separate real estate transaction with Rita Rezko in 02/2006 of which he claims that he paid $104,500.00 for the plot which has since been absorbed with out ever being properly assessed or taxed as a separate real estate transaction should have been.
The following image was emailed to The Obama Hustle stating that this is the record showing that the Obama’s are the true owners of 5046 S Greenwood Ave. Pay close attention to the so-called proof and see for yourself the abnormalities within this document.
Fig 3
The above document does not prove that the Obama’s own 5046 S Greenwood Ave. nor does it rove that they own a “Trust” of any kind. Furthermore, the document is referring to beneficiary signatures signed in “Lake” County and not Cook County. This document was also completed in the presence of William Miceli who was Barack Obama former supervisor at the Law Firm of Miner Barnhill & Galland.
The above information is leading to this explanation referencing Barack Obama’s 2006 United States Senate Financial Disclosure Report. As noted above in 02/2006 when the separate real estate transaction took place for the purchase of the $104,500.00 “buffer zone” Obama specifically state that he purchased the lot directly from Rezko. It has also been stated that the Obama own/started the Trust that owns 5046 S Greenwood Ave. The above images prove that to be false.
The following graphic image was collected from OpenSecrets.org The following image is from Obama’s 2006 U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report which has to be completed annually.
Fig 4
As noted in the above image it clearly states that, “Any purchase, sale, or exchange by you, your spouse, or dependent child during the reporting period of any real property” must be noted in Part IV under Transactions in excess of $1000.00. Then Senator Barack Obama failed to mention the separate real estate transaction that was separate from the transaction involving his supposed home in Chicago for the Rezko “buffer zone” a transaction which was in excess of $1,000.00, a clear violation of Senate Ethics Rules.
Q. Why did Senator Barack Obama in 2006 not disclose the purchase of real property (a separate real estate transaction that did not involve a personal residence) as stipulated by the report which was over $1,000.00 in value and which must be completed truthfully so as to show complete transparency in then Senator Barack Obama’s financial disclosures?
Q. Could it be that Barack Obama did not want to show that he was not the actual owner of 5046 S Greenwood Ave.?
Q. Could it be that he did not want to show that he was not the owner of the so-called “buffer zone” which was a separate real estate transaction that should have been disclosed in his U.S. Senate Financial Disclosure Report for 2006?
Q. Could it be that he did not want to disclose his dealings with the Rezko’s?
Clearly Barack H Obama did not comply with the U.S. Senate rules in disclosing all transactions that exceed $1,000.00 as stipulated by the report from 2006. Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn that Barack H Obama has committed an infraction/violation of United States Senate Ethics Rules as it pertains to proper disclosures of financial transactions.
move people into an electorate, usually through public housing. If people eligible for public housing are likely to vote for a particular party, then they can either be concentrated into one electorate, thus making their votes count for less, or moved into marginal electorates, where they may tip the balance towards their preferred party.
The following list is a state-by-state listing of addresses for Barack Obama and this will show with my accompanying search results from some of the expanded searches that were done on some addresses that were chosen at random by me that show the possibility of a voter fraud scheme during the 2008 Presidential election. The Phone numbers and the Street Names have been redacted for the protection of the individuals that are residing at these addresses. This search was solely done using Barack Obama’ only. Now count the SSNs that Obama is using.
We will begin these searches using Barack Obama’s name from West to East. Pay very close attention to the dates when Obama was supposedly associated with these addresses.
The following attachment is insane: ADDRESSES FOR BARACK OBAMA IN A 50 STATE SEARCH
The Obama HustleThe Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama
Creating Paper Trail of Charges for Tax and Real Estate Fraud Against Barack H Obama
i15 Votes
Today 08/13/2011 I started the process of documenting accusations against Barack H and Michelle L Obama for real estate and tax fraud committed in 02/2006 which are still ongoing as of 2011 on the “buffer zone” parcel of land that was deeded by Rezko to the Trust, Trust # 10209 of The Northern Trust Co. that owns 5046 S Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615.
Firstly I filed a Tax Fraud Report with the IL Revenue Office in IL
Secondly, I will be requesting Tax records from:
The above images show the first and second step I will need in getting to the bottom of this barrel of lies and deceit created by Obama and his cohorts.
Step two will be done on Monday 08/15/2011 when I request all records from the Cook County Treasurer’s Office concerning 5046 S Greenwood Ave and PIN #’s 20-11-115-027-0000, 20-11-115-034-0000, 20-11-115-035-0000, 20-11-115-036-0000, and 20-11-115-037-0000 and all documentation therein as it pertains to the parties involved with those PIN #’s. I will be using a “REQUEST FOR RECORDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT”. I will be completing the form and mailing it certified so there will be a record of Cook County receiving the letter and request form.
•Doc # 0604733162 – Deed In Trust – Amount $104,500.00 – 02/16/2006 – Grantor : Rita Rezko – Grantee: The Northern Trust Co., Trust # 10209 – PIN # 20-11-115-035-0000
•$104,500.00 “Buffer Zone” PIN # 20-11-115-035-0000 deeded by Rita Rezko to The Northern Trust Co., Trust # 10209 (Not the Obama’s) in a real estate transaction as of 02/2006 with no assessment ever being completed for the lot, and with no taxes ever being paid on the lot.
(A separate transaction with no assessment)
•Fact: In 2006, the separate real estate transaction for the lot added 1,907 SF to the lot at a value of $54.79 PER SF – 54.79 x 1907 = 104,484.53. creating a 12,047 SF lot for PIN # 20-11-115-037-0000. In 2006 it was noted that the dollar amount was an over-inflated value placed on the parcel which the Obama’s supposedly purchased from Rezko when in fact they did not directly purchase the lot from Rezko.
•Fact: As per the CCRD there are no records prior to 06/2005 (the sale of the BIG HOUSE and the lot to Rezko) for PIN # 20-11-115-036-0000, not to mention the 20-month gap in document recordings for PIN # 20-11-115-036-0000 which as per the Assessor’s Office was created in 2007 when PIN # 20-11-115-035-0000 was dissolved.
•Fact: In 2001 “Wondisford” created 5050 S Greenwood Ave creating PIN # 20-11-115-035-0000 with an assessed value of $9,875.00 (verified by LexisNexis pull and a Cook County assessment). But as per the CCRD and the Assessor’s Office that PIN # was in existence for only one month with no prior documentation for previous assessments , taxes, or deeds. Graphic images 5,6, and 7 will show evidential proof of the existence of PIN # 20-11-115-035-0000 prior to the years explained to me by the Assessor’s Office in Cook County
As per my conversations with Cook County, an assessment has never been completed for PIN # 20-11-115-035-0000 before it was converted to PIN # 20-11-115-036-0000 in 2007; however, as the following images will show there is no record for the “buffer zone” under PIN # 20-11-115-036-0000 which as per Cook County PIN # 20-11-115-035-0000 was dissolved therefor creating PIN # 20-11-115-036-0000 with the “buffer zone” being absorbed by PIN # 20-11-115-037-0000 having never been assessed or taxed.
Documents for PIN:20-11-115-035-0000
Document No. Document Type Date Recorded Grantor/Trust No. Grantee/Trust No. Prior Document
0604733162 DEED IN TRUST 02/16/2006 REZKO RITA M NORTHERN TRUST CO TR / 10209
Documents for PIN:20-11-115-036-0000
Document No. Document Type Date Recorded Grantor/Trust No. Grantee/Trust No. Prior Document
0901210039 RELEASE 01/12/2009 FIFTH THIRD BK 5050 S GREENWOOD LLC 0703357023
0808557034 WARRANTY DEED 03/25/2008 5050 S GREENWOOD POULOS JOHN D
0703357023 MORTGAGE 02/02/2007 5050 S GREENWOOD LLC FIFTH THIRD BK
0517133005 MORTGAGE 06/20/2005 MURUAL BK REZKO RITA M
Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web
Analyst confirms 'Harrison J. Bounel' identity getting scrubbed from databases
Posted: August 22, 2011
9:54 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WND
WASHINGTON – "Harrison J. Bounel," an alias identified for Barack Obama by debt-collection and skip-trace expert Albert Hendershot, is currently being scrubbed from professional databases, the investigator reports.
"I believe Obama supporters are trying to eliminate any and all evidence of Obama's shady past from all public databases," Hendershot told WND. "It's the only explanation for why the alias 'Harrison J. Bounel' has dropped from sight in database searches on public records done for Obama's Social Security number and home address in Chicago."
Hendershot documented his analysis in a report written for WND that can be read in its entirety here.
Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis in the nation's history, in "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President," autographed by the author!
As seen in Exhibit 1, Hendershot has put together a chart that documents how he first found the Harrison J. Bounel name appearing in databases he was using to search properties in Chicago. He has worked with WND to make a series of previously unknown disclosures about the Obama home in Chicago's upscale Kenwood neighborhood at 5046 S. Greenwood Avenue.
Exhibit 1, Chart documenting discovery and disappearance of Obama alias from databases
As Exhibit 1 points out, following the discovery last March that the alias "Harrison J. Bounel" is associated with Barack Obama's Social Security number and with his Hyde Park mansion, Hendershot published his research in May on his Internet website.
Exhibit 2 documents that a Henderson database search from public records conducted March 11 resulted in two different records for Barack Obama's Social Security number: one for a "Bounel Harrison J" and the other for Barack H. Obama, identified with several variations of "Barack H. Obama" that appeared in the database.
Exhibit 2 lists the Obama mansion address at 5046 S. Greenwood Avenue as an address for both "Bounel Harrison J" and for Barack H. Obama.
Exhibit 2 also clearly shows that the Obama alias of Harrison J. Bounel was in use as of November 2009.
As seen in Exhibit 3, Hendershot was able to duplicate the results utilizing a second public database that again showed both Harrison J. Bounel and Barack H. Obama using the same Social Security number and living at the same address.
Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web
Analyst confirms 'Harrison J. Bounel' identity getting scrubbed from databases
Posted: August 22, 2011
9:54 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WND
WASHINGTON – "Harrison J. Bounel," an alias identified for Barack Obama by debt-collection and skip-trace expert Albert Hendershot, is currently being scrubbed from professional databases, the investigator reports.
"I believe Obama supporters are trying to eliminate any and all evidence of Obama's shady past from all public databases," Hendershot told WND. "It's the only explanation for why the alias 'Harrison J. Bounel' has dropped from sight in database searches on public records done for Obama's Social Security number and home address in Chicago."
Hendershot documented his analysis in a report written for WND that can be read in its entirety here.
Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis in the nation's history, in "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President," autographed by the author!
As seen in Exhibit 1, Hendershot has put together a chart that documents how he first found the Harrison J. Bounel name appearing in databases he was using to search properties in Chicago. He has worked with WND to make a series of previously unknown disclosures about the Obama home in Chicago's upscale Kenwood neighborhood at 5046 S. Greenwood Avenue.
Exhibit 1, Chart documenting discovery and disappearance of Obama alias from databases
As Exhibit 1 points out, following the discovery last March that the alias "Harrison J. Bounel" is associated with Barack Obama's Social Security number and with his Hyde Park mansion, Hendershot published his research in May on his Internet website.
(Story continues below)
Exhibit 2 documents that a Henderson database search from public records conducted March 11 resulted in two different records for Barack Obama's Social Security number: one for a "Bounel Harrison J" and the other for Barack H. Obama, identified with several variations of "Barack H. Obama" that appeared in the database.
Exhibit 2, Two records, one for "Bounel Harrison J" and one for Barack H. Obama, result from public database search conducted March 11, 2011
Exhibit 2 lists the Obama mansion address at 5046 S. Greenwood Avenue as an address for both "Bounel Harrison J" and for Barack H. Obama.
Exhibit 2 also clearly shows that the Obama alias of Harrison J. Bounel was in use as of November 2009.
As seen in Exhibit 3, Hendershot was able to duplicate the results utilizing a second public database that again showed both Harrison J. Bounel and Barack H. Obama using the same Social Security number and living at the same address.
Exhibit 3, Second database shows Harrison J. Bounel and Barack H. Obama using the same Social Security number and living at the same address
Next, as seen in Exhibit 4, Hendershot did a "relatives" search on "Bounel Harrison J" and found that Michelle Obama came up as a result, again with an address history that included the Obama mansion at 5046 S. Greenwood Avenue.
Exhibit 4, Search for “relatives” on Harrison J. Bounel produces records for Michelle Obama, wife of Barack Obama, March 11, 2011
A second database search, as seen in Exhibit 5, demonstrates that Michelle Obama shows up as a relative of Harrison J. Bounel, further confirming that "Bounel Harrison J." is an alias for Barack H. Obama.
Exhibit 6, Database search conducted Aug. 19, 2011, suggests Harrison J. Bounel alias has been scrubbed
Hendershot, who has been studying for the past six months the Obama mansion purchase, has assisted WND in two previous published reports:
1.WND has previously reported that at least three people are listed as current owners and taxpayers on the Obama mansion: William Miceli, a Tony Rezko attorney and fundraiser who practices law at the Chicago law firm Miner, Barnhill & Galland, the firm that employed Obama when he did legal work for Rezko; Chicago Probate Judge Jane L. Stuart; and Obama accountant Harvey Wineberg.
2.WND reported the "buffer zone" parcel at the Obama family mansion at 5046 S. Greenwood Avenue, purchased by the wife of convicted felon Tony Rezko, was transferred to Barack and Michelle Obama without ever being assessed or taxed, in apparent violation of Illinois law.
WND has also reported that two private investigators working independently have asked why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.
Hendershot is president and owner of Innovative Portfolio Recovery, Inc, a debt collection and skip tracing company based in Birmingham, Ala.
Read more: Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=336889#ixzz1W0cLAUCa
Read more: Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=336889#ixzz1W0cDqqdt
Read more: Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=336889#ixzz1W0c841An
Read more: Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=336889#ixzz1W0c3M4uW
Read more: Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=336889#ixzz1W0byIf2V
Read more: Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=336889#ixzz1W0bqvzqp